
DEFI, ADEME and Paris Good Fashion join forces to simplify corporate carbon footprints

The ACT (Assessing low-Carbon Transition) initiative is the result of collaboration between the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). Together, they have developed a methodology for assessing the maturity of companies' low-carbon transition plans. At the...



Volatile China market impacts Salvatore Ferragamo's Q1

Salvatore Ferragamo Group’s revenues of 227 million euros were down 18.3 percent at current exchange rates and 16.6 percent at constant exchange rate. In a statement, the company attributed the negative DTC performance to January trading and a volatile consumer environment in Greater China. The wholesale channel, Ferragamo added, was penalised...



Crocs tops the charts as the world's most popular fashion brand

The primary objective of any fashion or beauty brand is to make an emotional connection to motivate consumers to make a purchase - whether they are selling the latest anti-aging serum or a simple pair of socks. Brands who have successfully developed a solid branding strategy are more likely to establish a solid foundation for growth, and have a...



Copenhagen Fashion Week announces spring/summer 2025 lineup

Copenhagen Fashion Week (CPHFW) has confirmed that 46 brands and institutions will make up the spring/summer 2025 event, which takes place from August 5 to 9. Brands on the schedule include returning brands such as A. Roege Hove, (Di)vision, Jade Cropper, Latimmier, Stine Goya, Rabens Saloner, Remain, and Sak Potts, alongside emerging designers...
